A Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is needed when you want to obtain an SSL certificate which will encode all the payment and login information that will be exchanged between your website and its customers. The CSR contains information about the website plus its owner in Base64-encoded form - web address, physical address plus email, company name and unit, etc. Based upon this code, an accredited SSL vendor provides you with the certificate, that's digitally signed with the vendor's private key so as to recognize that they're a trusted issuer. Throughout the CSR generation, a unique private key is also created and the set up of the SSL involves all 4 codes - both the keys, the certificate and the CSR. Then, you can use a URL starting with https:// for your site instead of http:// and your site visitors can view the information that you've provided for the CSR via their web browsers.

SSL Certificate Generator in Hosting

In case you host a website in a Linux hosting with us and you'd like to obtain an SSL certificate for it, you'll be able to do that with only a couple of clicks inside your Hepsia Control Panel. Using our intuitive SSL order wizard, you are able to enter and view the contact information that you would like to be used for the certificate after which choose the auto-configuration option that we have created so that we can make things a lot less difficult - as soon as you accept the SSL request by clicking on the link that you'll receive through electronic mail after you submit the order, our system will set up everything for you, so you won't be required to do anything manually at any time. If you wish to receive a certificate elsewhere, you're able to use our CSR generation instrument and send the Request code to the other vendor. A private key connected to the CSR will also be created and available in the same section of your account.

SSL Certificate Generator in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our semi-dedicated server accounts feature a Certificate Signing Request generator and an SSL set up wizard, so if you would like to acquire a certificate for any website that you host on our servers, you'll be able to do it in no more than a couple of minutes. As soon as you sign in to your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is provided with all of the semi-dedicated accounts, you are able to go to the SSL Certificates section and type in your personal and business information. Our system will generate the CSR, so that you'll have 2 options - if you wish to acquire the certificate from our company, you'll be able to process with the order in the same section and our system will install your SSL automatically once it has been issued, or you could save the CSR on your computer and then use it to get an SSL from another seller.