Data Backups

Your web site content could be recovered at any time

Not a single web site is normally protected against cyber–thieves assaults. Your web site might be affected even by involuntary content deleting on your end. Thanks to our data backup solution, we will easily retrieve all your web site content anytime. Further than day–to–day server backups that we’re creating, you can yourself make manual backups of all your website content with a click through the File Manager, which is conveniently available in your Web Control Panel. Just generate a compressed archive of the folder(s) that you want to manually back up and put it in a location of your preference.

Data Backups

Web Hosting Control Panel

Web site management rendered simple and quick

Website administration has been now made much simpler. Our point ’n’ click Web Control Panel puts all standard site management duties at your fingertips. You can upload files using simple drag ’n’ drop actions, handle all the settings of your domain names and sites by a single location, register and transfer multiple domain names, set up and manage multiple e–mail box accounts, manage e–mail marketing campaigns, create MySQL databases, purchase SSL Services to protect your visitors, etc.. In–depth stats will keep you up–to–date with all visits and actions on your sites.

Web Hosting Control Panel

True Cloud Platform

Take a Tour

At Virtual Prime Location, we take pride in employing a true hosting platform – every service is dealt with by an autonomous web hosting hosting server, which means that your websites will invariably load instantly even if the system is under stress. This cloud web hosting system was fully developed by us with a focus on stability and scalability, and is backed up by a 99.9% network uptime guarantee.

True Cloud Platform

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

Unhappy with your site’s performance? Claim your money back.

We are trying our very best to provide a top–class cloud hosting service to you. A new hosting platform, a choice of high–end Datacenter Facilities along with a set of Web Site Acceleration Tools will ensure the fastest load speeds for all your web sites. Nonetheless, if you aren’t content with our cloud web hosting services, you can get your money back within the first 30 days of your subscription.

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

VPN Access

Secure, private web browsing

If you live in an area with stringent web browsing regulations but wish to explore the web as much as possible, we have the perfect solution for you. Using any of our hosting packs, you will be able to gain VPN access and surf the Internet freely. All you have to do is set up a new network using the detailes we offer then we’ll forward your entire inbound and outbound Internet traffic through one of our Virtual Private Network data centers.

VPN Access

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

A 99.9% server uptime is guaranteed

At Virtual Prime Location, we offer a 99.9% uptime warranty. This suggests that, come hell or high water, your website will be up and running and people will be able to visit it. All this is possible because of the custom–built hosting platform that we have created. It’s based on a considerably tweaked SELinux (Security–Enhanced Linux) distribution so as to ensure maximum server uptime for all cloud web hosting clients.

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

NVMe Drives

Immediately speed up your website

If you wish to give your web site a top performance boost, all you have to do is simply to host it with us. All our hosting machines feature NVMe disks, so on every physical server you will benefit from incomparable read and write speeds, which will make your site amazingly fast.

Thanks to the perfect Internet connectivity offered by all our cloud web hosting Datacenter Facilities, your site will begin to open significantly faster without the need for any extra modifications from you.

NVMe Drives

Web Accelerators

Make your websites ultra–fast

With Virtual Prime Location, you do not have to erase program code or to cut out your site’s content to make it open faster. By reason of the Web Site Acceleration Tools (Memcached, Varnish and Node.js) incorporated into the Web Control Panel coming with every single plan, you can make your website load faster than ever – you’ll be able to make it 10–500 times more quick!

Web Accelerators

Web Stats

Monitor your site 24–7–365 from your web hosting Control Panel

The Web Control Panel includes a collection of detailed web statistic tools that will provide you with thorough information related to your web site. You will be able to monitor your website’s traffic in detail and learn absolutely everything pertaining to your visitors – exactly where they come from and what device and browser they are using. You will be able to select from among three web stats tools – the widely used Webalizer and AWStats tools and a brand new full–featured web analytics software tool that we’ve created with your tips and recommendations in mind.

Web Stats