If you wish to keep some content hidden from the public eye, you could enable password protection for a given folder - either the primary Internet site folder or any other one below it. In case this option is turned on, a pop-up will appear each time a person tries to open the folder in question or clicks on a direct link that goes a few levels deeper, so login information shall be needed for www.domain.com/folder/image.jpg in case you have secured the domain.com folder. When the details aren't valid, a “403 Forbidden” message shall appear and there isn't any method of getting around this restriction, so you can be certain that nobody will be able to access the shielded content. The option can be useful in numerous scenarios - if only some individuals should be able to see specific files, if you are developing a website and you don't want people to see it before it is completed, etc.

Password Protected Directories in Hosting

With the password protection tool supplied with each hosting package deal which we offer, you shall be able to protect any content that you have inside your account with simply a few mouse clicks. Because the tool is a component of our revolutionary Hepsia Control Panel, it features the exact same simple interface and you will not need any special skills to use it. When you visit the Password Protection section, you'll have to choose one of the domains or subdomains you have within the account and then decide if the protection should be switched on for the main folder or for a subfolder. Then enter the username and the password that you would like and you will be ready. A little padlock symbol in the File Manager section will tell you that a certain folder is password-protected. In the very same way you'll be able to include numerous usernames and passwords for the same folder if you'd like several people to have their own login credentials.

Password Protected Directories in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you have a semi-dedicated server account with our company, you shall be able to protect any content which you have uploaded via our protection tool. Its interface is as simple and intuitive as that of the Hepsia Control Panel it's part of, so you shall not have to write any code at any time. You'll simply have to choose one of the domains/subdomains you have in the hosting account and to determine which folder must be password-protected - the website’s root folder or some folder below it. You can then type the username and the password, that'll be stored in encrypted form in our system, and you'll be all set. The protection will be turned on straightaway, so anybody who tries to access the newly protected folder shall have to enter the accurate login information. If a number of individuals should be able to open the exact same content, you could make a separate username for each of them.