If you buy a server with the purpose to start your personal website hosting company and to resell packages to various people, you may also need to sell domains, to give your clients the chance to acquire everything they need for their new website from one place. Being a licensed registrar involves thousands of dollars plus a considerable amount of documentation, so the simplest solution would be to register for a domain name reseller account with an existing registrar company. Your reseller website will be linked to that account by using the registrar's API. Using such an account has a lot of advantages - all of your customers will be able to buy and to control new domains effortlessly; the price of a new registration is lower when compared to what you'd need to spend as an end customer; also you will be able to start reselling immediately. The registrar companies which offer domain reseller accounts generally ask for a certain amount of money as a deposit.

Enom Domain Name Reseller Account in VPS

When you obtain one of our virtual private server plans and pick the cPanel Control Panel on your order page, you'll have an advantage over other sellers, due to the fact that we'll also give you a domain name reseller account that will provide you with more control over your clients' domains and will enable you to offer them everything in a single place. The account involved is generated absolutely free with eNom, one of the most popular domain name providers in the world. Due to the fact that it will be under our account, you won't be expected to make any kind of deposits and the prices at which you will be able to register new website names will be the lowest they provide, as we use their top-tier plan. An eNom account can be used without difficulty with any billing platform, including ClientExec, which we also offer without charge with all the VPS plans ordered with cPanel.

Enom Domain Name Reseller Account in Dedicated Hosting

Every dedicated server that is bought with cPanel incorporates a few freebies and one of these is a domain reseller account with eNom, one of the most popular providers on the market. They offer more than a hundred generic and country-code extensions, that shall make it easier for you to find customers from all around the world and to offer them internet hosting plans and domain addresses in one place. We will create your account under our own account and this has two advantages - you shall not be required to pay any deposits at any time and the rates which you'll see and pay shall be the lowest, as we're using eNom's top reseller package. Due to the fact that they're amongst the largest providers, there are plug-ins for pretty much every billing solution out there, so you could use WHMCS, ClientExec or any other software to charge your customers.