CPU, or Central Processing Unit, is that element of a computer or a web server that executes each of the calculations. Each and every CPU functions at a particular speed and the higher it is, the speedier everything shall be processed, so if you host resource-demanding web apps on a hosting server, for instance, an effective processor will allow them to be carried out more quickly, which will greatly contribute to the whole user experience. The newer generations of CPUs have two and more cores, each one functioning at a particular speed to guarantee a superior and speedier performance. This sort of architecture permits the processor to handle numerous processes concurrently or several cores to control 1 process if it needs additional computing power in order to be executed. However, additional factors such as the amount of RAM or the connection which a certain hosting server uses could also affect the overall performance of the sites hosted on it.

CPU Share in VPS

All Linux VPS that we offer you feature guaranteed CPU quotas. The figures vary based on the package deal which you’ve picked during the signup procedure. We provide a number of different packages, which will permit you to select the configuration which you need with regards to processing power and cost. Several VPS accounts share the resources of potent physical web servers with CPUs working at 3.0+ GHz, so your share shall be guaranteed and will be available to you at all times, no matter what the other virtual accounts are using at this time. This also enables us to guarantee that if you opt to upgrade to a higher-end plan, there shall be ample system resources. This option is available through the billing Control Panel and the extra CPU quota will be added on top of your existing account. The process is rather easy and getting more processing power for your sites shall take only a few mouse clicks.

CPU Share in Dedicated Hosting

Our dedicated server packages have a range of hardware configurations, therefore, based on what you need the hosting server for and on your budget, you can select the suitable one for you. Apart from the different RAM and disk space allocations, each plan provides different CPU shares as well. The CPUs we offer you have 2-12 cores, so you could select the package deal which will satisfy your needs best. With the most powerful package deal, each application that you run on the server shall run extremely fast regardless of what resources it needs and irrespective of how many people are using it simultaneously, but even the lower-end packages are good enough for most sorts of sites. The overall performance of the CPUs is evaluated together with all the other hardware parts, in order to ensure that the hosting server that we will hand over to you shall work faultlessly and at top capacity all of the time.