24x7 Support

Email us at any time

You can email us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with any problems that you may have concerning our Linux semi-dedicated hosting. Do not hesitate to contact us by email and via the ticketing system and we will reply back to you in approximately sixty minutes. In actual fact, our typical answer time period is under 20 minutes. On trading days, you can give us a call or use the online chatting support on our web store.

24x7 Support

SSH Access

Free SSH access privileges for your machine

With our Semi-dedicated 2 bundle you’ll have SSH access to the server, bundled at zero cost. This way, you’ll be able to easily access the server’s terminal and interact directly with the web server, without having to utilize the Web Control Panel.

Because of the specific nature of the Linux semi-dedicated servers, the SSH access rights won’t include server root privileges. You are able to communicated with your data files, databases, email and all the things related to your sites, but you aren’t able to modify the server’s settings.

SSH Access

Free Dedicated IP

Free-of-charge dedicated IP for your machine

We add a 100 % free dedicated IP with the Semi-dedicated 2 server setup. A dedicated IP will help you to instantly install an SSL certificate for your site or register your personal name servers that will point to your unique IP address.

The dedicated IP address is readily available to use just after you connect to your Web Control Panel. Additionally, if you need supplemental dedicated IP addresses, you can always order as many as you want at a promotional price from the Web Control Panel.

Free Dedicated IP

Web App Installer

A fast installation of blogs, photo galleries, and so on.

Thanks to the 1–click Best Web Applications part of the Best Web Applications, you will be able to get your individual fully fledged website on the net in a matter of moments. With a mouse–click, your blog website, forum, photo collection or web–store will be created and will be well–prepared for use. Select your web application, fill in a few details related to the completely new site and click the Install key. We will perform all the rest for you! More than forty free scripts can be found for you to choose from.

Web App Installer

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Security–enhanced Linux–type servers

Virtual Prime Location’s servers are based on a safety–improved Linux release, which makes them very trustworthy and balanced. We have invested quite a lot of hours and efforts in building a reliable network that can potentially undergo large hack or distributed denial–of–service intrusions without forced interruptions to the hosting system and discrediting your site’s operation.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Web Accelerators

Make your webpage amazingly fast

With Virtual Prime Location, you do not have to remove code or to cut down your web site’s content to allow it to stream more quickly. Owing to the Web Site Acceleration Tools (Varnish, Node.js and Memcached) part of the Best Web Applications bundled in each offer, you can easily make your website open a lot faster than before – you are able to make it 10–500 times quicker!

Web Accelerators


A risk–free web application firewall

Protect your web applications (Wordpress, Joomla, PrestaShop, etcetera) against hacker activities with ModSecurity. It is a firewall program built to safeguard web apps against hacker attacks. We have configured the firewall to ward off all commonplace web page assaults automatically. By rule, ModSecurity is allowed for all of the hosts, however you are able to disable it for for every web site that you choose.


Data Backups

Your sites are fully backed–up with Virtual Prime Location

We backup your site information frequently, therefore, you under no circumstances risk losing your documents, software packages, databases and email messages resulting from cyber–thieves intrusions or unintended posts removal on your side. In addition, from the File Manager section of the Best Web Applications, you are given the option to make manually operated backups of your site content material whenever you like. Merely tag and archive the folder(s) that you want to back up and we will store it for you in the path you have selected.

Data Backups

  • Semi Dedicated 2

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  • Service guarantees

  • Absolutely no setup charges in addition to a 99.9% uptime guarantee with each semi–dedicated machine. No–charge Control Panel with unmetered hosted domain names.
  • Compare our prices

  • Examine the allocations and parameters offered by Virtual Prime Location’s Linux semi-dedicated hosting. Get started with a cheaper server package and upgrade with simply a click of the mouse when your web presence expands.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Write to us at any time by email or by making use of the ultra–fast ticketing system. We’re going to react within just 60 minutes.